- 個人電腦 8台
- 印表機 1台
- 類神經軟體
- 一年級:計算機概論
- 二年級:統計學、作業研究、品質管理
- 三年級:應用統計、顧客關係管理、統計實務與軟體應用
- 四年級:商業智慧、需求管理與預測、最佳化方法、啟發式方法
- 碩士班:決策分析、資料探勘、類神經網路
- 計畫案(2010-2016)
- 建立新上市資訊產品銷售預測架構之研究,(103-2622-E-231-002-CC3)行政院科技部 ,2014/11至 2015/10。
- 建構基於集成學習與極限學習機之集群式銷售預測模式(MOST 103-2221-E-231-003-MY2),行政院科技部 ,2014/8至 2016/7。
- 建構織布業混合式訂單需求預測模式之研究(NSC 102-2622-E-231-003-CC3),行政院國家科學委員會 ,2013/11至 2014/10。
- 基於不同特性之獨立成份分析技術建構時間序列資料分析與預測模式(I) (102-2221-E-231-012-) ,行政院國家科學委員會 ,2013/8至 2014/7。
- 基於不同特性之獨立成份分析技術建構時間序列資料分析與預測模式(I) (101-2221-E-231-006-) 行政院國家科學委員會 ,2012/8至 2013/7。
- 運用資料探勘技術分析連鎖眼鏡業顧客消費行為之研究 (101-2622-E-231-004-CC3)行政院國家科學委員會 ,2012/6至 2013/5。
- 整合獨立成分分析與資料探勘技術建構以集群為基之預測模式 (2/2) (NSC 100-2628-E-231-001),行政院國家科學委員會 ,2011/8至 2012/7。
- 整合獨立成分分析與資料探勘技術建構以集群為基之預測模式 (1/2) (NSC 99-2628-E-231 -001 --), 行政院國家科學委員會 ,2010/8至 2011/7。
- 整合GHSOM與MARS於資訊通路分店銷售預測模式之建構(NSC 99-2622-E-231 -003 -CC3), 行政院國家科學委員會 ,2010/6至 2011/5。
- 整合小波轉換與多元適應性雲形迴歸於資料探勘預測模式之建構 (計劃編號:99-IE-002-CM),清雲科技大學 ,2011/1 至 2011/12。)
- 文化創意策展公司建構商業智慧系統之診斷與輔導(計畫編號:PT099171076),經濟部(學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫),2010/07至 2010/12
- 發展以獨立成分分析為基之相關性製程監控架構(計劃編號:99-30500-089),清雲科技大學 ,2010/1 至 2010/12。
- 期刊論文
- I-Fei Chen, Chi-Jie Lu*, (Jan. 2016) Sales forecasting by combining clustering and machine-learning techniques for computer retailing, In Press, Neural Computing and Applications, (SC) (MOST 103-2221-E-231-003-MY2 ).
- Ling-Jing Kao, Tian-Shyug Lee, Chi-Jie Lu* (Mach 2014) A multi-stage control chart pattern recognition scheme based on independent component analysis and support vector machine, In Press, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (SCI) (NSC 102-2221-E-231-012- ).
- Chi-Jie Lu and Chi-Chang Chang*, (June 2014) A hybrid sales forecasting scheme by combining independent component analysis with k-means clustering and support vector regression, The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, Article ID 624017, 8 pages, (SCI) (NSC 100-2628-E-231-001 ).
- Wensheng Dai, Jui-Yu Wu, and Chi-Jie Lu*, (June 2014) Applying different independent component analysis algorithms and support vector regression for IT chain store sales forecasting, The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, Article ID 438132, 9 pages, (SCI) (NSC 102-2221-E-231-012- ).
- Yuehjen E. Shao, Chi-Jie Lu and Chia-Ding Hou*, (April 2014) Hybrid Soft Computing Schemes for the Prediction of Import Demand of Crude Oil in Taiwan, Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2014, Article ID 257947, , 11 pages (SCI).
- Chih-Jen Tseng, Chi-Jie Lu, Chi-Chang Chang*, Gin-Den Chen, (May 2014) Application of machine learning to predict the recurrence-proneness for cervical cancer, Neural Computing and Applications, Volume 24, No. 6, pp. 1311-1316 (SCI).
- Chi-Jie Lu*, (March 2014) Sales Forecasting of Computer Products Based on Variable Selection Scheme and Support Vector Regression, Neurocomputing, Volume 128, pp. 491-499 (SCI).
- Chi-Jie Lu, Yuehjen E. Shao* and Chin-Chan Li (March 2014), "Recognition of concurrent control chart patterns by integrating ICA and SVM", Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Volume 8, No. 2, PP. 681-689 . (SCI)
- Chi-Jie Lu*, (December 2013) Hybridizing nonlinear independent component analysis and support vector regression with particle swarm optimization for stock index forecasting, Neural Computing and Applications, Volume 23, Issue 7-8, pp 2417-2427 (SCI).
- Wensheng Dai, Yuehjen E. Shao and Chi-Jie Lu*, (November 2013) Incorporating feature selection method into support vector regression for stock index forecasting, Neural Computing and Applications, Volume 23, Issue 6, pp 1551-1561 (SCI)
- Ling-Jing Kao, Chih-Chou Chiu, Chi-Jie Lu* and Chih-Hsiang Chang, (Feburary 2013) A hybrid approach by integrating wavelet-based feature extraction with MARS and SVR for stock index forecasting, Decision Support Systems, (SCI )
- Ling-Jing Kao, Chih-Chou Chiu, Chi-Jie Lu* and Jung-Li Yang, (January 2013) Integration of nonlinear independent component analysis and support vector regression for stock price forecasting, Neurocomputing, Vol. 99, pp. 534-542 (SCI).
- Chi-Jie Lu, Yuehjen E. Shao* (December 2012), Forecasting computer products sales by integrating ensemble empirical mode decomposition and extreme learning machine, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2012, Article ID 831201, 15 pages (SCI).
- Chi-Jie Lu, Tian-Shyug Lee*, Chia-Mei Lian, (December 2012) Sales forecasting for computer wholesalers: A comparison of multivariate adaptive regression splines and artificial neural networks, Decision Support Systems, 54(1), pp. 584-596 (SCI)
- Yuehjen E. Shao, Chi-Jie Lu* and Yu-Chiun Wang, (September 2012) A hybrid ICA-SVM approach for determining the quality variables at fault in a multivariate process, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2012, Article ID 284910, 12 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/284910 (SCI )
- Chi-Jie Lu*, (June 2012). An independent component analysis-based disturbance separation scheme for statistical process monitoring, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Volume 23, Issue 3, pp 561-573 (SCI)
- Wensheng Dai, Jui-Yu Wu and Chi-Jie Lu* (March 2012), Combining nonlinear independent component analysis and neural network for the prediction of Asian stock market indexes, Expert Systems with Applications 39(4), pp. 4444-4452.
- Chi-Jie Lu, Jui-Yu Wu* (December 2011). An efficient CMAC neural network for stock index forecasting, Expert Systems with Applications, 38(12), pp. 15194-15201
- Yuehjen E. Shao*, Chi-Jie Lu and Chih-Chou Chiu (September 2011). Fault detection system for an autocorrelated process using SPC/EPC/ANN and SPC/EPC/SVM schemes, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 7(9), pp. 5417-5429 (SCI).
- Chi-Jie Lu, Yuehjen E Shao* and Bo-Shun Li (May 2011). Mixture control chart patterns recognition using independent component analysis and support vector machine, Neurocomputing, 74(11), pp. 1908-1914 (SCI).
- Ling-Jing Kao, Chi-Jie Lu, Chih-Chou Chiu* (April 2011). Efficiency measurement using independent component analysis and data envelopment analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, 210(2), pp. 310-317 (SCI)
- Chi-Jie Lu and Yen-Wen Wang* (December 2010). Combining independent component analysis and growing hierarchical self-organizing maps with support vector regression in product demand forecasting, International Journal of Production Economics, 128(2), pp. 603-613. (SCI)
- Chi-Jie Lu*, (October 2010). Integrating independent component analysis-based denoising scheme with neural network for stock price prediction, Expert Systems with Applications 37(10), pp. 7056-7064. (SCI)
- Chi-Jie Lu, Tian-Shyug Lee*, Chih-Chou Chiu, (May 2009). Financial time series forecasting using independent component analysis and support vector regression, Decision Support Systems, 47(2), pp. 115-125 (SCI)
- Chi-Jie Lu and Du-Ming Tsai,* (July 2008). Independent component analysis-based defect detection in patterned liquid crystal display surfaces, Image and Vision Computing, 26(7), pp. 955-970. (SCI)
- Chi-Jie Lu, Chung-Min Wu, Ching-Jui Keng, Chih-Chou Chiu*, (February 2008). Integrated application of SPC/EPC/ICA and neural networks, International Journal of Production Research, 46(4), pp. 873-893. (SCI)
- Du-Ming Tsai*, Ping-Chieh Lin and Chi-Jie Lu, (2006). An independent component analysis based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast surface images, Pattern Recognition, 39(9), pp. 1679-1694. (SCI)
- Tian-Shyug Lee, Chih-Chou Chiu, Y. C. Chou and Chi-Jie Lu, (2006). Mining the customer credit using classification and regression tree and multivariate adaptive regression splines, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 50(4), pp. 1113-1130. (SCI)
- Chi-Jie Lu and Du-Ming Tsai*, (2005). Automatic defect inspection for LCDs using singular value decomposition, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25(1-2), pp.53-61. (SCI)
- Chi-Jie Lu and Du-Ming Tsai*, (2004). Defect inspection of patterned TFT-LCDs using a fast sub-image based SVD, International Journal of Production Research, 42(20), pp. 4331-4351. (SCI)
- Tian-Shyug Lee*, Chih-Chou Chiu, Chi-Jie Lu and I. Fei. Chen, (2002). Credit scoring using hybrid neural discriminant technique, Expert Systems with Applications, 23(3), pp. 245-254. (SCI)