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Call for Papers
National Management Practice and Academic Seminar 2022(NMPAS2022)
The National Management Practice and Academic Seminar 2022 (NMPAS2022) is the forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in management theory and practice. This conference is organized to provide a platform for the researchers, managers, industrial participants and students to share their research findings. All full paper submissions will be evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy, and relevance to academic conference on management theme and topics.The conference is seeking submissions related to the following conference topics:  Business, Management, Economics, Marketing, Technology & Innovation in Business and Finance & Accounting. Other related topics will also be considered.
  • Ethics in Business
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Smart Logistics
  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Finance
  • Micro-Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing and Distribution Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Industrial Management
  • Service Industry Management
  • Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Production Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Organizational Behavior and Management
  • Information Integration
  • Information Security
  • E-commerce
  • Digital Multimedia
  • Mobile APP technology
  • Big data Analysis
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Education Theory and Practices

  • Conference Dates: Thursday, April 28, 2022 
  • Early Bird Full Paper Submission Deadline: March 15, 2022
  • Notification of Full Paper acceptance: March 31, 2022
  • Final Full Paper Submission Deadline and Conference Registration for all presenters: April 06, 2022


Please submit your paper to CMT’s electronic submission system https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/nmpas2022 .The paper should be original and should not have been published anywhere else or be under review for any journal or other conferences. The paper should be submitted as Adobe Portable Document format (pdf) and the file should be saved as「first author's name-title」. Submitted full papers should be no longer than 15 pages (including references and appendices) and all accepted papers will be published in the proceedings E-Book with ISBN.
An accepted proposal for a single paper presentation (prepared by one or more authors) will be assigned to one of the following formats by the Program Committee:
  • Oral Presentation
  • Poster Presentation
  • Participation in the conference is free.
  • For each paper/poster, at least one author must attend on April 28, 2022 and register for the conference before April 06, 2022. Please follow the link to the conference Registration Form
  • Certificate of presentation will be provided to authors who attend the conference.

College of Business and Management, Dept. of Marketing and Distribution Management, Dept. of Business Administration, Dept. of Information Management, Dept. of Finance,
Dept. of Industrial Management. Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology


Conference paper submission Template

CMT submission tookit